Travel to Croatia with animals…
The transport of house pets across state borders is possible only with the necessary veterinary documentation certifying the animals’ state of health. Cats and dogs must be fitted with an electronic identification system (microchip). Up to five pets can be imported at border crossings approved for the circulation of certain house pets, whilst the import of larger numbers of animals must be made at a border crossing where there is a border veterinary inspection.
When travelling with your pet, you are responsible for it
When bringing your pet into the Republic of Croatia, it is your responsibility to meet all the conditions necessary for its importation. Please check, for instance, whether your pet has been vaccinated, that is, re-vaccinated, on time, whether an antibody titer test has been performed and whether it has a valid passport or veterinary certificate. If your pet does not meet these criteria, then your entry into the Republic of Croatian may be denied, that is, your pet can be returned to the country of origin or quarantined at the permitted border crossing. The owner will bear all costs arising from the implementation of these measures.
In line with the Regulations on veterinary conditions for the non-commercial transportation of pets, the following animals species are considered as pets: dogs, cats, pet ferrets (Mustela putorius) from the marten family (Mustelidae), invertebrates (except for bees and crayfish), ornamental tropical fish, amphibians, reptiles, all bird species (except for poultry), rodents and rabbits.
Maximum number of animals
The importation of a maximum of five animals can be considered as non-commercial. The animals must be subjected to an identification and document inspection by a customs official at a border crossing of the Republic of Croatia. These animals will not be considered a commodity and must be accompanied by their owner or a person authorised by the owner to accompany them for the entirety of the trip.
General import conditions for dogs, cats and tame martens (also called domestic ferret, white ferret, African ferret, weasel, skunk, tamed ferret, domestic weasel or tamed weasel – Mustela putorius) coming from EU member states and low-risk countries outside the EU:
They must be fitted with an electronic identification system (microchip). If the animal is fitted with a microchip that is not in line with the ISO Standard 11784 or 11785, the owner must provide the appropriate microchip scanner. The name and address of the animal’s owner must be determinable at all times. The animal’s passport or certificate, which is transported with the animal, needs to contain the microchip number which has been issued by a veterinarian.
They must be accompanied by a passport or certificate issued by a veterinarian authorised by the relevant body.
They must be vaccinated against rabies
Animals coming from EU countries, or countries outside the EU that are considered low-risk, that are under three months of age and have not been vaccinated can be imported into the territory of the Republic of Croatia if the owner or accompanier holds a valid passport or certificate and if the animals have been living in the same place since birth and have not been in contact with wild animals which may have been exposed to infections, or are travelling with their mother on whom they are still dependent.
Dogs, cats and members of the marten family coming from high-risk countries must fulfil the following conditions:
They must be fitted with an electronic identification system (microchip)
They must have a veterinary certificate issued by an official veterinarian or, at re-entry, a passport (dogs from Croatia)
They must be vaccinated against rabies
They must have undergone a test on the neutralization of antibodies with the titration of antibodies equalling at least 0.5 IJ/ml on a sample taken by a certified veterinarian, in a certified laboratory, 30 days after vaccination at the earliest and three months prior to transfer. A list of authorized facilities can be found at the following web page:
The stipulated period of three months is not applicable in the case of the re-entry of pets from the Republic of Croatia whose passport confirms that the titration of antibodies with a positive result was carried out before the animal left the Republic of Croatia.
Animals imported commercially, and those being shipped as a parcel, need to be examined by a veterinarian prior to shipment.
For additional information please contact the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development – Administration for Veterinary Medicine
Tel. +385 1 6109 499; +385 1 6106 703 and +385 1 6106 455;